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How It All Began

The Story
What I didn't see before...
In April 2020, my hair studio got shut down due to COVID - 19. Much like many other people, I was stuck at home with nothing to-do. In all authenticity, I was worried about my career as a stylist. At this time, I started to see polymer clay jewelry on instagram and fell IN LOVE! At first, I honestly just wanted to make pieces for myself! A few oddly shaped pairs later; I began to put more time and effort into my earrings. To my surprise my clients began to ask about the earrings! It started with a few pairs displayed aesthetically in my hair studio. I didn't see it before because the pandemic was a heavy time, and my faith was definitely being tested. I couldn't see what God was doing or what He was inviting me into. This business wouldn't be running or continuing to grow without God! Isaiah 64:8 says, Yet you, Lord are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.
This scripture wasn't picked out because of the mention of clay. I want to share my heart of why this is the scripture given to me for Land of Clay Co. If you read Isaiah 64, it's a run off of Isaiah praying for Israel. Isaiah was praying for God to come with power, glory and basically His judgment for Israel to be protected from its enemies. Isaiah's whole life was marked by God! From the first moment God called Him into the office of prophet, (Ch.6) to that very moment in Chapter 64. Isaiah's life has spoken to my life in so many ways; his life of intercession, and his obedience to God, among many other things. Isaiah's prayer of desperation in chap. 64 is a reminder for us to pray with as much desperation for the Lord to come and do what only He can do in our lives, in what ever circumstances we find ourselves in.
It's a heart posture that I personally long to have before God.
If you were among the first few people who enjoyed my oddly shaped and not so aesthetic earrings, you are amazing! God bless you guys! Seriously so thankful for you!
If you read my story, I hope it encourages you to say yes to what ever God asks of you! And to potentially start your very own small shop, or business! I had no clue what God was going to do through Land of Clay, but I am so glad I stepped out in faith!
Welcome to my Shop!

Meet Landy!
Hey guys! I'm Landy, the face behind Land of Clay co!
Hey guys! What's up! My name is Landy De La Hoya! Secretly related to Oscar De La Hoya… jk! You know you were wondering about it as soon as you read my full name! A little bit about myself, most importantly, I am God's daughter! I love the Lord and I long for others to come to know Jesus and encounter Him like I have! Making Clay jewelry is not my full time job, although it would be so neat if it did become my full time one day! I am a hairstylist and have been since 2013! I moved my entire life from Long Beach California to Texas in 2022, on a word from God! It has been such a sweet journey with Him! I have truly come to love Texas!
Welcome to all of you who are coming on here for the very first time! If you read this entire page, Thank you so much! Welcome to my small shop!